Posted by: blogsouthcoastrecovery | January 25, 2011

Taking the Reins of Your Life: Overcome Depression with SouthCoast Recovery


Depression deprives people from enjoying a normal and happy life. They often find themselves questioning the meaning of life and hoping for death. SouthCoast Recovery desires to help victims overcome this illness and live instead of dying every minute.

Depression is caused by an individual’s anger due to repressed traumatic experiences. One needs to uncover these experiences that were kept hidden or avoided through the years. Bringing up the past allows one to relive these memories and face the issues that have caused pain. The moment one comes to terms with these feelings, one can find a sense of relief and comfort.


However, recalling disturbing or hurtful experiences is not easy. At times, reliving a traumatic past can be frightening. Allowing one’s self to remember hurtful experiences can be risky because doing so could “retraumatize” instead of heal a person.

Professionals at SouthCoast Recovery help individuals move through the scale of mental health from the lowest stage, where they may be prone to suicidal thoughts, to the highest stage where depression turned to rage is released and happiness is achieved.
A life of happiness involves having a sense of hope and purpose, where one is confident with one’s own identity and vocation. More information on how one can gain control of depression can be found at

Posted by: blogsouthcoastrecovery | December 28, 2010

South Coast Recovery: Dealing with the Effects of Drug Detox

South Coast Recovery recognizes that regardless of religious or social background, everyone should treat his or her body like a temple. Attaining or maintaining a clean lifestyle is essential for a genuine happy life—a life with more time with family, friends, loved ones—a life focusing on what really matters.


For the same reason, people submit themselves to temperance of addictive substances or enter a rehabilitation facility. This is where the problem arises. Just when a person is completely ready to give up destructive habits, seemingly more complications come to surface.

Those who experienced drug addiction know that the side effects of withdrawal are discomforting, to say the least. Reports of insomnia, loss of appetite, and irritability are just some of the common side effects of withdrawal.

South Coast Recovery is a professional rehabilitation facility that can provide the best support during this very crucial stage of recovery. Expert counselors and the overall rehabilitation program will assist in creating a more comfortable situation during the withdrawal process.

Aside from the assistance from external factors, a recovering person should also give attention to developing one’s willpower and mental, physical, and spiritual strength.

With enough determination, addiction can be overcome and the risk of relapse eliminated.


For more information about SCR’s rehabilitation programs or inquiries about how SCR can help, visit the official website

Posted by: blogsouthcoastrecovery | November 27, 2010

South Coast Recovery’s Guide to Planning an Intervention


Intervention proves to be an effective way to combat addiction, if it is properly implemented. South Coast Recovery facilitates professional intervention based on a proven process and 100 years of experience in treating addictions.

Professional intervention aims to bring alcohol and drug dependents to successful sobriety. Because of this long-term vision, the program addresses key issues that have been the loopholes of unplanned interventions, starting with home coaching.

Concerned parties, usually family members and friends, should engage the alcoholic or drug user into a non-judgmental form of confrontation. People with addictions often respond in anger or defense when confronted about recovery. The presence of a trained interventionist to mediate in these communications can lighten up the load for loved ones.


South Coast Recovery also advises family members to first play out possible scenarios before the actual confrontation. Coaxing addicts to enter into treatment is not advised, but spouses, parents, or siblings can leverage on making them feel uncomfortable at home. They can be asked to leave if they keep rejecting help.

Timing is also crucial in interventions. The facility center recommends that addiction problems be acted on immediately. Concerned parties are responsible for seeking professional assistance, especially when the alcoholic and drug-dependent loved ones are exhibiting refusal despite persistent pleading or enumeration of consequences.

Expert assistance is available 24/7 at


South Coast Recovery, one of the leading alcohol addiction rehabilitation centers in California and beyond, can help treat your alcohol addiction and get you on the road to liberation, sobriety, and recovery. With its team of psychiatric and medical professionals, counselors, advanced Eastern medicine practitioners, and more, SouthCoast can show you that a life of sobriety and good health is a life worth living for.


For some, alcohol may just be the beer flowing at a tail-gating party, the wine served at dinner, or the champagne raised to newlyweds—a regular part of the events and celebrations of life. But for those with alcoholism—the dependency on alcohol—it can become your very life, or the devastation of it. South Coast Recovery recognizes that the recreational use of alcohol can easily spiral into alcohol abuse creating problems for you and never ever solving them. You may drink because you think you deserve to relax, to “escape” or forget your problems, or to “kill” the pain, but the only thing drinking guarantees is more problems and pain. Broken relationships, lost career opportunities, weakened health, and run-ins with the law are just some of the things you may regrettably come into, if you still haven’t so.

South Coast Recovery offers professional intervention assistance, state-licensed detox, specialized in-patient alcohol treatment programs, and transitional living programs to help you overcome your dependence to alcohol and get your life back on track.

Call 1-866-742-4143 now or visit and begin your recovery.

Posted by: blogsouthcoastrecovery | September 7, 2010

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